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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Margaret Thatcher on Socialism

Margaret Thatcher on the difference between socialism and capitalism.

Margaret Thatcher defends the "Austrian" idea the Lassie fair economics create more wealth and freedom for every one. She also addressed the issue that is presented much by the left today; she claims that although government control can shrink the gap between the rich and the poor, it does so at the expense of making every one poorer including the poor. "That is a Liberal idea" she sais referring to the strain that government oversight and taxation creates on the economy and as she sais creates less over all wealth. Margaret Thatcher is idolized by the right as a perfect example of Republican and Austrian economics. She has been modeled by leaders such as Ronald Reagan and economist Milton Freidmen. She claims that much of her inspiration has come from F.A. Hayek’s Road To Surfdom.


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