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Monday, November 12, 2012

So excited for our Cruise to Mexico!

Photos of Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta
This photo of Las Caletas is courtesy of TripAdvisor

This place is definitely on our list of places to Go!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Behind the Scenes with Yvonne

I have filmed with the kinghorns before and it is always fun, they are just a great family. however filming the interview with yvonne was painful. I know that sounds like a terrible thing to say, but I kid you not I was bitten by at least 20 mosquitos. you can see the little irrigation ditch that we were filming by in Surviving Cancer: Yvonne Kinghorn. and it was just not a good idea, it looked great, but the risk was not worth the end result! that night i could even sleep because I got bit so many times! it was just terrible! anyways i hope you all enjoy my film, unfortunately it didn't turn out quite as nicely as i was hoping it would, but i still am learning Premiere Pro so hopefully i will hone in my skills in the next video i do. the bigest problem that i ran into was simply the sound. you can tell in the video that i am trying to get rid of the hiss and hum, but at the price of her sounding like she is talking over the radio. so if you have any comments or suggestions on how to fix that, just leave me a comment below.

Thanks Dav,


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Magic moments

 I recorded this on a point and shoot and without a tripod... so needless to say the quality isn't the best... BUT the audio is a sond by two friends of mine, Tandy and Emma. they are really talented and i loved working with them. we recorded this song in two takes in the basement of the Spori building. they are just amazing like that.

Juggling workshop

This i did really quickly one day for Byui's juggling workshop. Mattlock, the manager of the workshop can do some really amazing stuff. He is the one in the orange shirt in here.

Anyways, the workshop is thursdays at 7:00 in the I center.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Brit Conley: The Struggle to Live

13th June 2012

The Struggle to Live
Life isn’t always normal after adversity, especially for those who have experienced cancer. Nausea, loss of hair, fatigue, and infertility are all things that cancer patients have to deal with. Cancer victims, however, are anxious not to add “loss of a life well lived” to the list. Like many, Brit Conley has survived in more ways than one. She is a survivor of the soul, not just the body.
Brit loves to swim, and were she lives in Hawaii is the perfect place to do it. However, since she found out she had Melanoma skin cancer, she has been extra careful to lather her self with extra strength sunscreen before she dives in. There is something about the salty water of the ocean that can always relax her; “I love working out and then jumping in the ocean and just swimming, swimming forever…I would rather be no where else in the world.”
Although swimming is the best way to forget your troubles, it is always difficult to forget your past. Looking at the white beaches in the background, behind the sheets of curling water, she remembers her hospital beds that shared the same color, and cleanness. She was only 20 when she found out she had Melanoma skin cancer, and by the time she was 21, she had plenty of scars to tell her story.

She is in remission now, and it is a lot easier to relax. Sometimes she takes hikes through the hidden trails in the tropical forests of Honolulu. Other times she makes her self a dish called an “Açai-bowl”, a mix of local fruits and açai berries. But even every relaxing day is preceded a simple routine, foreign to many. In the morning, after she wakes up, she eats, brushes her teeth takes a shower. She then proceeds to check her self in the mirror for any new or irregular moles, because it only takes one malignant mole to kill you. Needless to say, sometimes waking up can be a scary thing.

She has found many dangerous moles, and has had seven separate surgeries to remove them. She may not have had skin cancer if it wasn’t for her frequent use of tanning beds. To many, tanning is the new American pastime. It was Brit’s goal, and those who she hung out with, to be as tan, blond and beautiful as possible. She says, “It felt good to tan. You immerge from the florescent beds feeling fresher and more beautiful then ever.” She worked at one, and there they were encouraged to tan as often as possible. She worked at another, same story. By the time she reached college, the habit was formed.
One day she sat down in her car on top of one of her moles she had formed from tanning, and it hurt. “It felt like a bug had bit me, and I though it had” she says “but later I realize that it had just been this tiny little mole I had”

After postponing it for a few months, she finally had her mole checked. Brit told her dermatologist casually that she had a mole that just kept bothering her. As she continued to explain this to the dermatologist, the doctor’s eyes widened like an owl. “We must remove it immediately!” The doctor examined it and removed it for testing. The results would come in three days. Brit didn’t expect anything to be wrong, and continued life as normal. 

Sitting on the beach, in her bathing suit, you can easily see her scars. Many are just the size of a pea, with the texture of Swiss cheese. Two scars, unfortunately, are much more prevalent. They are discolored lines of raised scar tissue peer out seven inches from the inside of her groin. Still, Brit will sit there happily; to her scars are a badge of courage. The fight with cancer is over, but her fight isn’t quite yet. While many of her friends know what she has been through, most still don’t. One time a friend of hers, a boy, asked about the scars dotting her skin: “What did you get attacked by a dog?” he asked with a sneer. Later she recounted, “A lump formed in the back of my throat, and suddenly I was on the verge of tears.” She tried to laugh it off, but the laugh just wouldn’t come out. Her scars were torn again open by his mocking and degrading tone. “How could he be so tactless!”

It brought back memories of the night she found out she had the deadly disease. It was three days after her dermatologist had checked her; and she had completely forgot about the test. As she walked into her house after a low-key day at work, “immediately something felt off.” She proceeded to the kitchen to make herself a sandwich for dinner. Her mom turned the corner into the kitchen and when Brit looked up and caught her mom’s glance, her mom left the room crying. 
Perplexed, Brit continued to prepare the sandwich. As her dad walked in, she asked, “What’s going on?” He responded somberly, “We need to talk to you—take your time, just when you are finished.” Something about the way her dad said it made her loose her appetite altogether. 

She walked into the den, where her crying mother and father were sitting. Although she was guilty of nothing, she felt like she had done something wrong. Immediately she found herself combing her mind for all the things that she could possibly be in trouble for, and what her excuses would be. The real reason, however, no person could prepare for, or foresee.
“What is it? This isn’t funny!” she said with a raised voice. 
“Brit, they found cancer in your mole, and it is stage 3 melanoma”
“I am going to die” were the first words she thought to her self. Melanoma is one of the most dangerous cancers; it claims an average of 9000 people a year. Although, when Melanoma is caught in its early stages, it is very curable with a 91% survival rate. However the further the cancer has developed the less likely you are to survive, and at stage 3 it is almost a 60/40 chance.

Brit walked out of that room broken; her steps were heavier and slower. “What is going to happen? Am I going to make it? How am I going to continue school?”

To be careful every suspicious mole was removed, and she began hating looking at her self in the mirror. There was a 4-inch diameter of skin around the original mole was removed, and now sitting was difficult. Cancer was found in a few other places, including her lymph nodes, and those too were removed. They left the scars on the insides of her legs seven inches long, discolored pink, and easy to see. Being the same girl was forever impossible. For many people cancer in the lymph nodes means almost certain death, because the cancer quickly spreads from the lymph nodes to other organs: the kidney, the liver, the breasts, and the colon. But with time, tears, and living life as it came, Brit beat the odds. 

Checking herself for malignant moles every morning has become a must in her routine, and she will have to do it for the rest of her life, being ever vigilant. But that isn’t the only habit she has adopted, and it is not the only reason she has survived. “Every morning that I wake up, I tell my self that today is going to be a good day, no matter what I know the day will bring.” She says it has become an adage she lives by, “Happiness does not depend upon your luck, or what happens to you. If you want to be happy you can, no matter what life has thrown your way…today is life.”

“Today is life,” she says “that is what my aunt told me once, you have to find ways to enjoy each precious moment, no matter what your circumstances are.” Today is life. Cancer can take away lives, it can take away kidneys, it can even take away beauty, but can it really take away a life enjoyed?  Whether it is eating an “açai bowl,” swimming in the ocean, or hiking through the forest, Brit can be found with content eyes, because today Brit is alive.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My bike broke down!!

My little Diamno 150cc scooter topped working the other day, and then i tore the carburetor apart just to find out that it wasn't the carb at all! i finally got it running after cleaning the spark pug off!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

There has been another shooting in California

It almost seams like these sort or mindless rampage killings are happening more often now then ever before. More now when gun control laws are higher then they have ever been and in a state that they seam to be the highest. In a time when the "needs of the poor" are pitted against the the rights of the rich. A time when the 1% are marked as evil for victimizing the other 99% who are using their goods and services every day voluntarily. Is it even a wonder why people have lashed out in such agonizing incidents and horrible acts, in a world were "having ambition drive and purpose" are marked as being greedy for nothing but profits, for being nothing but a vulture capitalist. Is it any wonder that people are confused in a world were right is wrong and wrong is rewarded with entitlement? Is it any wonder why people are afraid to invest?
The moral fabric of our society has been turned upside down. America began as the only place on the earth that you could "make" your own success and work for what ever you wanted. Europe is crumbling because they promise to give it all to you at no cost Of your own. It is impossible to find self worth when things are given to you for nothing. and when ever a government promises to do that, it quickly fails to provide even the basic needs of life. Is it any wonder why people are killing in such rates flans at such numbers? When you don't value your own life, you hate others' for their value, or don't value them at all. We have not taught that people have a right to life, but a right to be provided for. We have not taught that you have liberty at the expense of your choices , but that you have a right to liberty at the expense of those who earn more money then you. We have naught taught that you have the right to peruse happiness, but that happiness should be given you by the hand of the government. And that to try to earn it is as wicked and greedy as trying to earn your way into heaven. "the common man should not have to choose their own health insurance , " they will say "they don't know whats best for themselves, but we do" they prefer to take choice out of the equation entirely. The central facet of capitalism. "We know what is best for the people" is common anthem of the governors, constantly implying that the governed are stupid. Don't be filled, we the people are the governors, the leaders, the governed.
If "we simply need more taxes is your argument" think again. When has more taxes ever solved anything. If you don't have the right to knock on my door and demand money from me, why should you just send the government to do so. Remember also that the first thing an organization does when it receives more money is figure out what additionally it can spend it on. The best way to force a cut, or trim the fat, is to stop feeding the mouth and burn the excess weight. You know the old fashion way of changing you diet and working out.
If your cry is we just need more control" think again! Think of every thing they already control. Did you ever have to take an overcrowded freeway home? Have you ever had to apply for financial aid? Have you ever been late or had an accident because of an in plowed street? Have you ever waited for hours at the Department of Motor vehicles? Have you ever relied solely on public transportation? Have you ever met a man who worked for the government and asked him about waste? Have you ever been through TSA? Bought an electric car? Do you know of any government venture that has done better then a private one?

Do you want the same people who manage all I those to manage grocery distribution? When you can already get fresh fruit in Alaska? Do you want them to decide what business is or isn't valuable to the public good? Would you prefer them to regulate the production of goods and decide the price of an item as they decide the price of a tax?
Just ask any drunk or addict.
Our freedom and our pride as men are 100% dependent on the value we place on the choices we make. Don't chose to limit those choices, or America will fall into the same trap that Europe has so many times over .

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Burned Body Found In Agua Dulce Dumpster

Burned Body Found In Agua Dulce Dumpster
Mar 28, 2012 6:00 p.m.

AGUA DULCE (CBS) -- A man's burned body was found in a dumpster in the Antelope Valley Wednesday morning.

The discovery was made at about 6:45 a.m. in a rural area in the 6800 block of Sierra Highway, sheriff's officials said. Authorities said they believe the body was left sometime Tuesday night.

"The trash company was about to take the trash from the dumpster when they discovered this individual inside the trash can," according to Detective Richard Ramirez of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department.

Residents in the area said they were horrified but not surprised that someone would choose this remote location to dump a body.

"I'm going to assume that it happened somewhere else and it was a convenient dumpster to get rid of a body, said Agua Dulce resident Georgia Swearingen. "It is pitch black, we have the lights ordinance so there are no lights on at night...and you can hear a pin drop so you hear everything that goes on - which is nothing."

Investigators said they don't have any missing person reports that match the description of the body. They believe the body was that of a Latino or African American man, between 18-25 years old.

The coroner will have to determine how he died.

Sheriff's homicide detectives and fire department arson investigators were sent to investigate the death. Detectives also brought a bloodhound to evaluate the scene.

Anyone with information on the case is urged to call the sheriff's department at (323) 890-5500, or Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Miso sushi Review

Had some awesome food today at Miso Sushi, the crazy thing is that I don't even like sushi. But this place was great. Really reasonable to, you can easily leave full and get away with only spending 10 bucks. Which isn't common for a sushi place. Make sure to try the tempura vegetables, and the crispy shrimp roll. if you are like me and don't like sushi, their chicken is amazing!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Plane crash sparks fire in Agua Dulce

Plane crash sparks fire in Agua Dulce-

Here is some more information on the fire that i posted about previously

AGUA DULCE, LOS ANGELES COUNTY (KABC) -- A small plane crashed in the Agua Dulce on Sunday evening, sparking a small brush fire in a remote area, fire officials said.
Officials said the plane had just taken off from the Agua Dulce Airport when it slammed into the rough terrain near Sierra Highway and Steele Street. Officials with the Los Angeles County Fire Department said it set off a 10-to 15-acre brush fire.
The pilot and passenger on board managed to crawl out of the burning wreckage and up to the top of the rugged ridge to call for help. The men were airlifted to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital. Rescuers said the pilot was uninjured and his passenger suffered minor injuries.
"They are extremely lucky," said L.A. County Fire Capt. Mark Savage. "The plane immediately caught fire, they said. They scrambled out of the aircraft and climbed to safety."
Fire crews had contained about 30 percent of the fire by late Sunday night. Officials said they expected full containment by Monday morning.
Authorities will interview the men in the plane to determine the cause of the crash.

I think it is so funny that the lady in here Colleen Reilly mentions her worries about the homes and animals! what about the People???!!  thats what i would be worried about! I actually could see this from my back yard. imm not sure where the plan was going but its likely that he ws making his way to the small airport at the bottom of the valley were he crashed.

Agua Dulce Fire March 2012

Agua Dulce Fire March 2012

Los Angeles- There is a fire Picking up heat in the Agua Dulce area, north of Santa Clarita by about 30 miles. The fire look to have started about 7 o'clock last night. "Odd weather for a fire to start", says David L a local resident in the valley "but also a bad time to have to put one out". Southern california is currently experiencing colder then normal weather, which is not typical for a fire to start in, how ever The northern LA area is also experiencing Santa Anna winds, which have been know to produce gusts well over 40 miles per hour. These winds have been known to escalate fires in the past.

Residents noted that Firefighters were seen tending to the fire almost as soon as it was visible. We are still waiting this morning to find out if the fire was fully contained or if they are still fighting it. Agua Dulce woke up this morning to thick fog, making it hard to tell.

Agua Dulce Fire March 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Santorum Gets the heat as he visits the Sunshine State Wednesday the 22.

After assuming frontrunner of the GOP nominee pack, Sen. Rick Santorum picked up a lot of attention.

Hear is the CNN Full article (CNN) Romney Jabs at Santorum's Record

Margaret Thatcher on Socialism

Margaret Thatcher on the difference between socialism and capitalism.

Margaret Thatcher defends the "Austrian" idea the Lassie fair economics create more wealth and freedom for every one. She also addressed the issue that is presented much by the left today; she claims that although government control can shrink the gap between the rich and the poor, it does so at the expense of making every one poorer including the poor. "That is a Liberal idea" she sais referring to the strain that government oversight and taxation creates on the economy and as she sais creates less over all wealth. Margaret Thatcher is idolized by the right as a perfect example of Republican and Austrian economics. She has been modeled by leaders such as Ronald Reagan and economist Milton Freidmen. She claims that much of her inspiration has come from F.A. Hayek’s Road To Surfdom.


Romney Calls For 20 Percent Income Tax Cuts

MESA, Ariz. February 22, 2012, 04:09 pm ET
MESA, Ariz. (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Wednesday called for 20 percent across-the-board cuts in personal income tax rates as part of a program to help the economy grow.
Under the proposal, the top tax rate would drop from 35 percent to 28 percent, and some popular breaks would be scaled back for upper-income taxpayers, although aides provided scant details.
"We want middle-income Americans to be the place we focus our help, because it's middle-income Americans that have been hurt by this Obama economy," Romney said as he outlined parts of his plan in a campaign appearance in Arizona, one of two states holding a primary Tuesday. Michigan is the other.
Romney did not propose cutting marginal tax rates in a book-length jobs plan he released last year. Now facing a challenge from rival Rick Santorum, Romney is working to court conservative voters who have been reluctant to embrace his candidacy.
Romney's proposal sharpened his differences with President Barack Obama, who favors allowing tax cuts enacted under President George W. Bush to expire on higher incomes.
Romney also proposed changes to raise the Social Security retirement age for younger workers and curtail annual benefit increases. He would also allow younger workers to choose a voucher to pay for private insurance instead of participating in traditional Medicare.
Romney said he plans to pay for the tax cuts by limiting some of the popular deductions and exemptions for charitable giving, savings, mortgage interest and other areas. Campaign officials would not explain what deductions and exemptions Romney would limit or who would be affected, though they said the changes will be targeted at the wealthiest households.
Romney said his plan would not raise the federal deficit because economic growth and more tax revenue from ending deductions and exemptions would pay for it. His aides didn't offer specifics.
"For high-income folks, we're going to cut back on that so we make sure that the top 1 percent keeps paying the share that they're paying or more," Romney said.
Romney also cast the proposal as a boon to small-business owners who pay individual rates on their earnings.
"By lowering those marginal rates, we help businesses that pay at the individual tax rate to have more money so they can hire more people," he said.
Obama's campaign said Romney's plan was a boon for the wealthiest. "He's giving more tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires, raising defense spending to an arbitrarily high level, and lowering corporate taxes without explaining how he would pay for them," spokesman Ben LaBolt said in a statement.
Romney's proposals are an expansion on what he laid out in his campaign book, "No Apology," and on a 59-point jobs plan he outlined in September.
In that plan, Romney said he opposed raising taxes and would not allow tax cuts passed under Bush to expire. Ending those cuts would make the top tax rate 39.6 percent.
Romney originally planned to unveil his economic plan in a major economic speech in Detroit on Friday, set to happen at Ford Field, where the Detroit Lions play football. His campaign said he decided to unveil the plan earlier because he wants to focus on it during Wednesday night's GOP debate.
Obama also unveiled a corporate tax plan Wednesday, one calling for a 28 percent tax. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the timing was not planned to preempt Romney's announcement.
Romney, who released much of his corporate tax plan last year, would lower it to 20 percent. He says economic growth would make the plan revenue neutral.

Welcome to Dav On the News

The objective of this Blog is to create a none-bias source of news and media, Dav On The News is aimed at letting people know what is really happening with out any hidden objective, and with out rhetoric or fluff. We want to you to understand what people really mean. Not just politics but facts, and opinions. Created by Davon Larson, a  young journalist who grew up in the epicenter of modern media, Los Angeles, CA.  Davon is also a current Communications student of Brigham Young University - Idaho.  Dav on the News uses only reliable sources such as the AP wire, and all will be noted.